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What’s Involved With District Service?

As we approach the District 36 elections for the 2025 – 2026 service rotation, it’s a good time to answer questions about district service. What’s involved? How much time does it take?

We have a one-page description of why District 36 exists and how the General Service Representative (GSR) for each group helps us maintain support for all the meetings in the Greater Snoqualmie Valley. You can download this information using this link.

You can see a listing of all District 36 service roles on the ‘District Contacts’ page of this site. A brief blurb outlines the basics for each position. While the people filling each role are going to bring their unique approach, there are a couple of guidelines which will help you get the best understanding, make the biggest impact, and, hopefully, find the most satisfaction.

For All District Service Roles and for All GSRs

Attend the monthly District 36 business meeting. It’s usually held the first Tuesday of each month at 7 pm. You can find the details on in-person and virtual attendance in the ‘Events’ listings of our District 36 website. The meeting usually runs somewhere between an hour and 90 minutes.

For GSRs

Area 72 supports District 36 and all Washington districts west of the Cascade Mountains. The Western Washington Area 72 website has a filter for events relevant to GSRs on the event calendar. Plan to attend one of the GSR University sessions. They are usually an hour or two long. They’ll help you understand how you can best connect your group to District 36 and Area 72. Also plan to attend the Area 72 Assembly where your vote counts on the issues we take to the General Conference of AA.

For District Committee Chairs

Each committee has a quarterly or monthly meeting at the Area-72-level. These area-level meetings are a great opportunity to hear about how other districts in our area are leveraging the role. You’ll get ideas and you’ll have a place to ask questions. You can find information on each committee in the ‘Committees’ section of the Area 72 website. You can find the quarterly or monthly meeting details on the Area 72 event calendar.

For All of Us

None of us are the first person to fill our District 36 role. A lot of the challenges faced by our predecessors have been addressed in our District 36 Guidelines (this link will kick off a download of the document). Take a read through them. It’s a great way to check your understanding of priorities against what the guidelines say and to know when you need to pursue clarification.

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