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District Contacts

If you want to deepen your program through serving our district’s groups, please come to the next business meeting and make yourself available. We love it when A.A. members are willing to help our local groups carry A.A.’s message of hope and recovery!

District Committee Member (DCM) – Mike L.

The DCM is the link between the district and the Western Washington Area #72 and the General Service Office (GSO).

Alternate District Committee Member (Alt DCM) – OPEN

The Alternate DCM acts in place of the DCM when the DCM is unable to perform his/her functions and to assist the DCM in the performance of their duties.

Secretary – Heather C.

The secretary is responsible for maintaining a written record of all district business and activities and communicating this record to all GSRs and committee members. The secretary is responsible for all written communication between the district and area except for those duties assigned to the registrar.

Treasurer – Dwayne B.

The treasurer is responsible for receiving, documenting, and disbursing of district funds. These revenues are most often generated from individual group contributions and are distributed as needed and as directed by district motion vote or at the discretion of the Budget Committee.

Registrar – Tami B.

The registrar is responsible for maintaining an accurate database of all groups, group numbers, GSRs, and district trusted servants and to forward this information to Eastside Intergroup, Area 72 and GSO as required.

Accessibility – OPEN

Accessibilities Committees assist A.A. members who have a variety of challenges in accessing the A.A. message in A.A. meetings, Twelve Step work and other A.A. service.

Archives – Allison S.

The archivist is responsible to maintain a historical record of all district business as well as other collected historical memorabilia. This record includes, but is not limited to, past district GSR meeting minutes and financial reports, collected literature, newspaper articles, photographs, and event programs/flyers.

Bridge the Gap/Treatment – OPEN

We’ve combined these two roles into a single position. This individual coordinates the “Bridge the Gap” program to assist the alcoholic who is being released from a correctional facility to the A.A. groups in the community. This individual also coordinates the A.A. Treatment committee essential in carrying the A.A. message into treatment settings where the suffering alcoholic may be introduced to A.A. for the first time. or

Corrections – Natalie C.

The corrections committee is responsible for working and corresponding with alcoholics who are in prison, jail, or other correctional facility.

Cooperation with the Professional Community / Public Information (CPC/PI) – OPEN

We’ve combined these two roles into one position, CPC/PI. This committee is responsible to provide information and education to the non-alcoholic community. Public Information develops public service announcements, appears at schools and health fairs, communicates with the media to explain the working of Alcoholics Anonymous and the importance of anonymity, as well to assisting A.A. members when speaking publicly to the community about A.A. The second purpose is to explain what A.A. is, and is not, to the professional community. Typically CPC works with doctors, nurses, dentists, counselors, treatment center workers, lawyers, police, judges, teachers, clergy, employee assistance programs, union leaders, etc.

Eastside Intergroup Representative – Patrick S.

The district’s liaison to Eastside Intergroup.

Events – Jerry G.

Our Events Committee plans and executes special events within the district.

Grapevine/Literature – OPEN

This committee is responsible to order, sell at GSO prices, and otherwise distribute A.A. approved literature to groups and individuals in need.

Third Legacy – OPEN

Our District’s Third Legacy Committee facilitates A.A.’s Third Legacy of Service within the District. This includes activities like facilitating group inventories, speaking about our third legacy and helping organize workshops.

Web and Digital – Tami B.

Our Web and Digital committee promotes unity, service and recovery in the Snoqualmie Valley through accurate & easily accessible digital materials including the website and email distribution.

Young People in A.A. – Sam S.

YPAA encourages young people to enter into the mainstream of AA Recovery, Service, and Unity through the 12 Steps, the 12 Traditions and the 12 Concepts for World Service. This position was created to assist young people in finding service opportunities, connect young people with members of AA of all ages, and provide resources, references and contacts to start and/or find young people oriented meetings.