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Eastside Districts Pre-Conference – March 22, 2025

The pre-conference is the opportunity for the Area Delegate (Courtney S) to present to the groups the topics that will be discussed at the annual AA General Service Conference (GSC) in April 2025. It is one of four events throughout the year that group GSRs will attend to bring information to their group and provide feedback to the Area on your group conscience.

This is an important part of the General Service structure, where the groups are the decision makers for the District, Area, and General Service Conference. Courtney will present on a wide variety of topics that she believes are of interest to our groups and the information provided by each of us will inform her decisions and actions at the GSC. 

There are multiple pre-conferences scheduled both in person and online ( The one hosted for the Eastside Districts (including District 36) is in-person only, and will take place in Renton on Saturday, March 22, 2025: . You are welcome to attend any pre-conference at any location.

Delegate pre-conference material will be available in March via the Delegate’s Corner on the Area 72 website: .

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