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Organizing a Hybrid A.A. Meeting

Con­sid­er­a­tions in­clude hav­ing the in-per­son at­ten­dees agree to the hy­brid meet­ing. Those that do not want to be on the vir­tual meet­ing could sit in a por­tion of the room that is off cam­era or the meet­ing would only be avail­able to in-per­son at­ten­dees.

Ide­ally the meet­ing would have both a chair per­son and a sep­a­rate vir­tual meet­ing host. The vir­tual host should ver­ify the In­ter­net con­nec­tion and equip­ment are func­tion­ing prior to the start of the meet­ing. The check­list should in­clude:

  • A sta­ble con­nec­tion to the In­ter­net. Ide­ally us­ing wi-fi. (A mo­bile hotspot us­ing a phone could also work, should have an un­lim­ited data plan.)
  • A de­pend­able vir­tual con­fer­enc­ing ac­count (Zoom charges around $15/​month, their free ac­counts are lim­ited to only 40 min­utes.) Other video con­fer­enc­ing op­tions ex­ist.
  • Us­ing a lap­top with the ac­ces­sories be­low would pro­vide a bet­ter ex­pe­ri­ence for the vir­tual at­ten­dees rather than a hand-held phone or tablet.
  • Om­ni­di­rec­tional mi­cro­phone – $30-$90 (higher end mod­els may in­clude speak­ers)
  • Speak­ers – $20 – $50 (if not in­cluded with mi­cro­phone)
  • Swivel USB Cam­era – $45 – $100
  • (Op­tional – a sep­a­rate mon­i­tor or pro­jec­tor. This would al­low the in-per­son at­ten­dees to see the vir­tual at­ten­dees.)

Adapt the meet­ing for­mat to in­clude both in-per­son and vir­tual shar­ing.

Up­date your group in the Area 52 Meet­ing Guide list­ing to re­flect that you now have Hy­brid meet­ings.

Con­sider how to col­lect 7th Tra­di­tion for vir­tual at­ten­dees. Check out ESIG’s 7th Tra­di­tions Best Prac­tices

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